OM Landing Pages Best Practices
Key Links
- Blog post
- Checklist[…]81e1-ed9cba6852a0%7Cc2398358-224a-45a6-89d8-8c671b9bb871
- Define what the purpose of the LP is
Landing Page Creation Best Practices
Before Creation
- Choosing a template
- Define what the purpose of the LP is
- Free Trial, demo
- LP, TY and Email templates should drive the user to enter info and ideally set a meeting up with sales
- No navigation on TY pages
- Nice to have on TY pages - link to sales calendar
- Note: if there are assignment rules set up in hubspot there could be conflicts
- Download content (WP, Case study ETC)
- LP, TY and Email templates should entice prospects to submit their info. Goal is to get the prospect to download content… secondary CTA on TY and email could be to talk to someone or recommend additional content.
Naming convention
LP - [landing page name] {optional year month]
After a Template is Chosen
- Define what the core messaging should be.
- Review whitepaper and pillar page (if there is one created) to get an idea of what the messaging should be
- LP messaging should have at least:
- One top level headline
- One supporting paragraph
- 3-5 Supporting bullet points
- When developing the direct response messaging to get a user to take any action, try to tell a quick story; not about how your product is great but how the it will help make the prospects life better if the prospect takes action.
- The headlines should be captivating, enticing the reader to take action
- Bad example of headline: Orange Marketing has the best staff in the United States and we can help you increase your MQLs (although factually true :) this will not get someone to react.
- A better example of a headline: In this step by step plan, learn how Orange Marketing’s team guided Inymbus, increasing their MQLs by 200% month over month.
- Best practices for headlines
- Use data
- Use words and phrases like learn, how to, or find out
- Use language the prospect is familiar with
- Try to evoke an emotion based on what you know about the target audience
- Use known pain points about the audience
- I.e. marketers struggle to generate leads… we are offering a plan to help solve that pain point
- Tell the prospect what they are going to get and how it will benefit them
- Ask a question (has to be used right or else it comes off as gimmicky)
- Best practices for bullet points - Tell the prospect what they will gain by taking action on this offer
- For a content offer, pull out some key points
- Data is always good
- Make sure colors and text align with Brand
- Most templates can be modified
- Images - you can go down a rabbit hole with images.
- IMO - words drive the action and images support the words, so spending a ton of time trying to find the perfect image for a landing page can turn into a waste of time.
Adding a Form
- Try to minimize the amount of forms used, by creating one form for each type of behavior. You can use other ways to track the exact download or behavior (most commonly the landing page itself)
- Choose an existing form
- Most landing pages allow you to send a follow-up email from the object in the landing page builder.
- Choose create follow up email
- Remember to redirect the form to a Thank You page
Thank you emails
- This is your chance to send a quick follow-up email to a prospect that has requested something from your organization
- Should come from an individual and have the option to reach out for more information (or even schedule a meeting using a meeting link)
- Click on the form
- On the left hand side under options choose “send a followup email”
- Either select an email from the drop down or create a new email
- If you create a new email save email as template (under the email builder “Actions” drop down and you can use it again
- TEST - send the email to yourself a couple times
Landing Page Details
- Make sure to use this format
- Description
- Don’t forget to add a description for each landing page
- Create campaign
- Page title
- Use this format: Inbound Marketing Plan Guide | Orange Marketing
Thank You Pages
- Naming convention
- TY - [landing page name] [optional year month]
- Pick a template with a simple format that matches the brand
- The thank you page is there to fulfill on the promise defined in the template
- If its a content piece the TY page should be used as a place where they can download the content. Remember to make the file that you are using not followed by google in the cdn.
- Secondary would either be to contact someone or engage with other content
- Tip: if you have a simple sales structure it's nice to link to a BDRs calendar on the backup page and TY email.
- This strategy can often drive meetings
- Keep in mind if there are sales routing rules this strategy may not work
Examples of good LPs (live so please do not submit, will skew metrics)
HERE IS A BAD EXAMPLE for discussion (bitvore obviously converted their site and grabbed the wrong template
WP downloads
PPC Request pricing
(example of a very basic LP that converts at a high rate - average of 9% over 6 months) Target is small to medium businesses trying to hire multiple sales reps
Same client different target audience