Blog Newsletter Procedure

Orange Marketing Custom Blog newsletter by RSS tag 3-5 articles

Copy Newsletter Template from Orange Marketing to your client

Orange Marketing created the newsletter template. We are constantly updating it. Sometimes the most current updates are not in Orange Marketing HubSpot but we try to keep them in synch. You can ask Rebecca if you want to know where various versions are. 

Regular Newsletter

You can use this template by selecting the template, and selecting blog feed, not a RSS feed. And it will be your traditional weekly blog newsletter, automatically selecting the lists in hubspot. 

There are 2 different type of templates. With Tags and without Tags. Without Tags pretty simple. Here is a demo video of how to produce a straight Blog RSS newsletter.


Standard Marketing Blog Feed Newsletter - OM Template - Watch Video

Create RSS Feed by Tag

You create an RSS feed by going to

Blog | Tag

Select and click on Tag

Add “/rss.xml” to the end of URL


Steps to create email

    • Marketing | Email
    • Create Email
      • Blog/RSS
      • External Blog
      • RSS Feed URL
      • Select a template | Custom
      • Search on “blog”
        • SP - RSS Feed v3

You have to set the number of stories and repeat the TAG in order for this to work correctly. You can modify the header too! We have slight differences between the headers just to tell them apart






There is a social sharing module at the bottom but  SellPro Opted Out.





All forms and workflows automatically opt in subscribers to the SellPro Blog CTA with a frequency of weekly. 

Utilizing Industry information, these lists are then segmented into properly tagged segments. We are going to slowly opt-in anyone engaged with SellPro newsletters to the appropriate list, making it as large as possible.

Unsubscribes will be expected in the beginning until they settle down to a normal rate. You do not have to worry about handling unsubscribes with HubSpot as it will not send to anyone formally unsubscribed.

Check "don't send to unengaged contacts"

Product Brand 

Brand Communications List Final - 3K+ contacts (send is 938 contacts)


Retail Communications List Final - 12K+ contacts (send is 7.4K)

List - Weekly Feature-Spotlight

1 Column Above Body - RSS Feed v2

Every Tuesday at 10:10 AM

Blog is Feature Spotlight and Tag is Feature Spotlight

Order of Articles

You can change the order of the articles by changing the publish dates. However, the newsletter will only send if the first article in the list has never sent before in a newsletter.